Basketball Interest CCA for Primary 3 to Primary 6 students provides them with an enriching experience in sports and exposes them to the game of basketball. Students are taught the rules of basketball and will develop basic basketball skills so that they are equipped to play the game. They will also enjoy the health benefits of being active through sports.
Basketball provides the opportunity for the students to understand and experience the benefits of good communication and negotiation skills, as they learn to play in teams. They learn about good sportsmanship, gracious behavior, the value of resilience and the importance of team collaboration – skill sets and values to navigate their own future and life.
School values of Responsibility, Integrity, Self-discipline and Empathy are also reinforced through collaborative team play to build students’ character and develop interpersonal skills.
Activities and Events:
CCA sessions for recreational basketball are conducted on Fridays while students selected for competition teams will have training additional training sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Our School Teams participate in the annual National School Games Competition where they will have the opportunities to play against teams from other primary schools. Through the competition, students will gain valuable experiences and enhance their development of character and skills.
Boys Teams:
- Jarrod Ong, 6A (Captain)
- Jay Chu, 6H (Vice-Captain)
- Isaac Tan, 5B (Vice-Captain)
Girls Teams:
- Olivia Tham, 6C (Captain)
- Shreetika Singh, 6A (Vice-Captain)
- Chloe Lim, 5C (Vice-Captain)