Brass Band
Brass Band
Waterway Primary School Brass Band (WAPBB) aims to be
“A happy band where bandbees grow and shine! ”
We provide opportunities for students to learn music by playing an instrument in an ensemble setting. Our CCA aims to offer a broad and holistic educational experience, and builds the foundation for further music-related leisure activity, or even for a career in the music industry.
Activities for bandbees include mastering an instrument, putting up performances (in school and externally), attending concerts and enjoying team building games. Selected students also participate in external band workshops and performances.
There will also be leadership opportunities for WAPBB members to hone their soft skills and develop them into well-rounded individuals.
The band experience will be an integral part of each Bandbee’s primary school journey, providing them with skills and friendships which they will carry with them for a long time to come.
Educational Goals:
• Inspire students to appreciate music through resilience and performance opportunities
• Cultivate responsibility to the Music they are learning and performing
• Cultivate integrity to play the music wholly as per composed or edited with the consent of the composer
• Self-discipline to keep learning and horning their skills
• Empathy to understand the learning difficulties that other Bandbees experienced and support each other along the path of learning
Skill Development:
• Teamwork - by learning to play in a group you learn to work together to make music.
• Concentration – playing music requires concentration, and learning to play in a group helps develop concentration.
• Development of Motor Skills in playing in a Brass Band.
Educational Benefits:
• Numeracy and logic – learning music is proven to assist in developing mathematical skills and logic skills.
• Developing Social Skills - being a part of a group with individuals that share similar interests will help build and strengthen a connection to other people.
• Music is one of the seven intelligences identified in the brain and the only one that utilizes all seven intelligences simultaneously. Students who participate in music courses exercise more of their brain than in any other course they take in school.
Personal Development:
• Leadership position to develop their character building, instils good values and sense of responsibilities.
Regular Activities:
• Playing scales as warm-up exercise.
• Learning performance pieces.
• Clean up instruments after use.
Special Events:
• School performances: CCA Experience during P1-3 Assembly, Assembly performance etc.
Past Achievements:
• Participated in 2022 SYF AP
• Michiko (6B): “All the trainings teach me how to be better in playing the drum and I became confident. My parents are proud of me to be in SYF this year.”
• Grace (6A): “I learnt Teamwork through my trainings. I learnt different instruments, gain new friends, go to place/concert halls that I do not often visit.”
• Kylie (6A): “I picked up a new skill, playing the instrument. I also have a better Music Theory knowledge.”
Student Leaders:
• Michiko (6B)
• Grace (6A)
• Kylie (6A)