Coding & Robotics
Coding & Robotics
At Waterway Primary School, we want to prepare our students for the Digital Century and one of the ways to achieve this is through the introduction of Coding and Programming. Exposing students to Coding and Programming promotes their computational thinking and develops their problem-solving skills.
Hence, the school has partnered Infocomm and Media Authority (IMDA) to bring programmes such as the Code For Fun (CFF) and Digital Maker for our students. These programmes anchor on the academic learning of related concepts using visual-based programming language, such as Scratch, and combining it with robotic kits, such as Lego WeDo, MoWay, and microcontrollers, such as Micro:bit, Arduino and Raspberry Pi, to create a coding experience for the student.
When students progress through each programme, they are given opportunities to practise breaking down a problem into smaller parts, planning the sequence of steps, recognising patterns, evaluating solutions and focusing on the important details in their computing lessons. At the same time, they are actually equipping themselves with problem-solving skills that will help them enhance their learning of Mathematics, Science and other subjects, and even to solve problems in daily life.
Following on from the P1 and P2 PAL Robotics, the P3 to P6 students would have Coding and Programming as part of our Modular CCA and Interest CCA.