Character & Citizenship Education (CCE) and Leadership Development
Character & Citizenship Education (CCE) and Leadership Development
Our CCE programmes are anchored on the 3 Big Ideas of CCE, Identity,
Relationships and Choices, and our values of Responsibility, Integrity, Self-discipline and Empathy (RISE). We want students to be gracious citizens – confident, well-mannered and kind.
The CCE programmes adopt a “Head-Heart- Hands” approach.
Head – Through the various curriculum, such as CCE Form Teachers Guidance Period (FTGP), CCE Mother Tongue Languages Lessons, Programme for Active Learning (PAL) , Growth & Benefit Mindset Lessons, morning pre-assembly programmes and values infusion in subjects, we teach values and social competencies explicitly and provide in-class opportunities for students to develop and practise the learning of the core values and social emotional competencies.
Heart –We win our students’ hearts over through bonding activities such as festive celebrations, National Education events and sharing to inspire hope and instil pride. We give recognition to students who can be role models to other students, to help them feel good about themselves and for others to learn from and aspire to be. We build a school culture with a strong focus on care and inclusivity where every teacher, regardless of what subjects they teach, are all CCE teachers.
Hands –Students practise values through their participation in Co-curricular Activities (CCA), Values-in- Action (VIA)/ Service Learning activities and National Education events. Student participation in the planning and implementation of some aspects of CCE, such as in VIA projects, gives them the space to be heard, and to play an active role in what and how they learn, hence providing opportunities for them to develop agency or self-directedness, responsibility and ownership of their learning. To support our Primary 1 students in their transition to primary school, they participate in a Life Skills Programme where they learn and apply practical skills to help them become more confident and independent learners.
We believe that every student can lead, can serve and can succeed. A leader is more than gaining a following. True leadership involves service, treating others with respect and putting the needs of others before our own. Every student will be given opportunities to serve. We believe in developing every child to be the best that he or she can be.