Literature is the in-depth study and analysis of literary texts. At Waterway Primary School, the discipline of Literature aims to broaden the minds of our students.
Beginning from Primary 3, Literature lessons are conducted for 2 periods every week for one semester. During the lessons, various activities customised for our students are carried out with the aim of helping them find the joy of reading and appreciate different perspectives as they learn the English language. Apart from piquing their interest in the texts, the activities also stretch our students’ imagination and develop their creativity.
From time to time, students are challenged to create different scenarios and discuss about different possibilities. The incorporation of drama activities into Literature lessons serves to nurture our students’ perspective-taking skills as well as develop in them positive traits such as empathy and understanding of selves and others. Making explicit cross-curricular links – such as with Science – help to encourage deep learning in students and direct them to view learning holistically and not as isolated subjects.
Both group work and individual work (such as reflective journal writing) are valued in our Literature curriculum because they are opportunities to develop different 21st century competencies in our students. The former enhances communication and collaboration skills while the latter nurtures critical and inventive thinking. Exposing our students to the various cultures and different beliefs in the texts also improves their global awareness and cross-cultural sensitivity.
By offering our students a window to peer into the world of others and a mirror to learn about themselves, our Literature curriculum is well-positioned to help prepare our students for work and life in the future.